Featured Artist:
Rusty Preston

Rusty Preston: Our guess is that during his long career as a pilot for Continental Airlines, successful Texas Slip-joint maker Rusty Preston did not imagine a retirement career as a famous custom knife maker. But knife maker he became, capitalizing on his life-long passion for making things with his hands.
Rusty’s focus is on traditional slip-joint patterns with his own interpretation of the classics. He generally uses CPM154 steel and likes to work with stag, various bones and fossil ivories for handle materials. The custom knife makers he admires most are his mentor Bill Ruple, as well as Jonny Stout, Harvey Dean and Tom Overeynder.
When asked what appeals to him about this distinguished group his reply is that they all strive for excellence in their work, and most of the time they are successful!
He is currently a member of the Texas Knife Makers and Collectors Association, and shows his work in Atlanta at the Blade Show, in Las Vegas at the Antique Arms and Custom Knife Show, in Texas at the TKCA Central Texas Knife Show as well as the new A. G. Russell Show.
Rusty was also recognized at the 2007 Arkansas Custom Knife Show with the ‘A.G. Russell Best Value Award” and at the 2009 TKCA Central Texas Knife Show for Best Folder. He was also recently honored with a multi-page article on his work in the September Issue of Blade Magazine.
His currently delivery time is between 2 and 3 years, and we are proud to say we’ve added some especially fine Preston’s to our own collection! If you love fine slip-joints you will find much to get excited about here.
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